Thursday, 12 February 2015

Oral - Priyesh

Priyesh did a fantastic oral today. He started off showing us an ultrasound picture of himself. He then told us all the details of when he was born( Hospitals name, weight, height, the time). He showed us a teddy bear which he called baby bear. This bear used to watch over him during the night. His favourite food was butternut. He showed us a picture of him eating butternut and how he used to mess everywhere. He even had a bib that still has butternut stains on it. He ended off his oral by telling us his favourite thing to do when he was a baby, was playing with cake flour! He used to mess up the whole house with flour. Priyesh offered to mess up anyone's house with flour. Just call 08600 cake flour boss (Hehe I loved this).
Well Done Priyesh

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